The main trends in advertisement continue to develop in 2018. In this article, we are going to consider the AdWords trends, Pay-per-click- PPC trends, and some news about artificial intelligence, local marketing, and audience targeting. Want to learn more about the latest PPC trends and PPC(pay per click news)? Let’s start!
Facebook and Google are going to continue to have a duopoly in 2018. Markets will not end receiving digital ad dollars in Google and Facebook properties, despite the pushback against ad placements or the lack of transparency.
Many search marketers will be developing channels and platforms. The opportunities of Bing-LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat should only grow. Social value is the most important nowadays, so Facebook is going to develop a new video content service, which can change ads targeting. Sound’s interesting, doesn’t it?
What else? Apple has prepared a new Intelligent Tracking Prevention system that is going to have an effect on many users of Safari and Criteo.
LinkedIn makes improvements in UX, which leads to refining campaigns and makes LinkedIn a big social media channel. It can be used also as a daily calendar if you plan a meeting.
Also, there can be a reset year for retargeting. This is due to the fact that in the nearest future the targeting options like demographic or personal events should give marketers more abilities in personalizing their messaging. Why do we need this? The customer-personalization could help completely clean up the mess that some retargeting strategies have had on user experience.
The voice search trend is becoming more popular nowadays. This is not without a reason! Imagine, whenever you want to find any information about particular topics or, for example, someone who will write your essay, you can use voice search. This is quite convenient. The increasing of Google Assistant, Siri, Amazon Echo and Google Home brings more queries in every day searched reports. It should change both SEM marketing and SEO.
While queries in AdWords have 1-4 words, in voice searches the average word count is 6-8. Therefore, SEO should be able to get more information about something than using the keywords. The time you develop a campaign, you need to think how people usually ask something while everyday conversation, because the questions asked via a voice search should be quite similar.
AdWords Smart Campaigns make it possible to run a whole campaign without any adjustments. You need only to make a creation and pick up conversion cost. Targeting is usually automatic in AdWords Smart Campaigns, that is why you do not need to choose it and users are able to change daily budget and target CPA. Despite these innovations, this system is still not perfect and needs control.
SEM specialists will have more work soon, especially in preparing Al for keeping track on client goals, not on setting up keywords or engineer campaigns. This allows them to work more effectively at higher budgets.
Google is going to start providing more information using a search engine. Robots should be able to parse websites with direct data instead of URL construction or headlines and SEM Google Merchant Center will have a benefit from this because data updates will be faster than sample feed. This is another thing to be aware of.
Google presented the new attribution models, which could help to understand if you are earning from channels or not.
The data-driven model includes conversion data and the path that user takes. When it works, the system sees a path taken by the user, gaps conversion across all paths and sums up channel value. While this process the channel can be in every place of the path.
There will be more personalization in Pay-per-click – PPC trend this year. You will be able to target audience and pick up an advert for the particular group of people.
For example, if you have a shop that works online, you will be able to make adverts only for mobile users and, moreover, you can target users through their Life Events for a Gmail campaign. If you are a wedding photographer it will be a very useful function for you.
There are many other PPC trends that weren’t mentioned in this article but which you should definitely be aware of to keep up the pace with the constantly changing market and thus, improve your strategies! The good thing is that all existing trends, as well as those we are only hoping to come around, are useful, effective and innovative, which helps improve PPC greatly. And the best is yet to come.
We are confident that whatever will be introduced this year by Google and other companies, it will be helpful for our PPC campaigns!
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