
About us

Dear Readers,

I’m excited to tell you how I started The Next Scoop, but before that, let’s understand what it is? It is an Internet Marketing Blog providing news, tips, and information related to internet marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine updates, Google algorithm updates, and reputation management.

I wanted to share my experience while working at various companies as a digital marketer. Initially, I thought to share directly on social media, but then realized it won’t be that searchable, practical, and usable for readers. Therefore, I ended up creating The Next Scoop.

Initially, I alone contributed the articles but then I received some invitations from many digital marketers and business experts who wanted to share their insights as well. Since I only wanted my readers to get as much value out from The Next Scoop as they possibly could, I started taking on new contributors. Now, I would be happy to say that we have more than 1000 contributors, and numbers are continuing to rise…

Our team of contributors include strategists and practitioners of content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and customer experience.

Additionally, our in-house experts share opinions and reviews on all the latest, creative marketing & sales tools and related stories daily.

These content pieces are well-researched and are highly actionable for marketers, entrepreneurs, and CEOs . Our team of bloggers provide effective advice for professional marketers to take a cue from and improve their conversion rates.

Our primary goal is to guide businesses and individuals to re-engineer themselves through thought leadership, training, and digital transformation. We assist companies and teams by providing valuable insights needed to develop their modern marketing strategies, validate their decision, and demystify information in the fields of digital, marketing, and eCommerce.

Whether you're a digital marketer, industry expert, business owner, you can always reach us here and share your expertise.

If you’ve other queries, then contact us here at [email protected].

Thank you,

Sawaram Suthar
Owner & Publisher at TNS