Do you wish to boost your business’s engagement on social media? If yes, here are eight tips to achieve this feat.
For a long time, only large businesses had social media profiles, and hardly anyone was specifically in charge of this online presence. However, as social media has seeped into all angles of our life, all businesses, including small and local enterprises, make sure they are present on social media platforms.
However, merely setting up a page and hoping to attract likes and followers is not enough, nor is having a page that simply sits there, only being sporadically and randomly updated.
The point of social media for business is to increase engagement with customers, which in turn drives traffic and boosts conversion leads. If your business profiles aren’t attracting the kind of engagement you need, then it may be time to implement the 8 tips below into your daily business practices, and make sure that your digital marketers are actively aware of the following tricks:
1. Add Images
A cartoon, photo, gif, or infographic attached to any social media updated has been proved time and time again to boost engagement and interest. People are more likely to click on the links they’re attached to, like, comment, or share posts with images of some form attached. This is easy to do, but the benefits can be enormous.
2. Stick to a Schedule
You posts need to be uploaded at optimal times. There’s no point in posting random updates when you find the time – you need to set a target of posts per day or per week and make sure you stick to this. While you don’t want to overload your followers with updates to the point they’re annoyed with you, you also don’t want to let them forget about you. You need to ensure thata person needs the services you provide, you are the first ones that come to mind, and that they feel like they trust and know you.

3. Outsource the Editing of Posts
Links to blog posts or landing pages on your website are one of the most effective ways to increase engagement as they give your audience something to read, which in turn provides them with something solid that they can like or comment on, or even share if they really find the information valuable.
However, consistently creating original and high quality blog posts and updates is a challenge, and a full time job in itself – to be done well, it’s way too much to add to the existing workload of your current staff. Instead, most successful companies who run awesome online campaigns are turning to outsourcing the writing and editing of content.

Some businesses prefer to hire a professional editor for this purpose in a traditional way. For example, with UpWork or Freelancer, you simply log in and post an ad, and then can interview potential candidates and find someone that you feel comfortable working with long term.
However, this is not the only option. There are also sites such as UK Writings or Big Assignments where you can simply fill in an order form and select the service you want, and rest assured that the task will then be assigned to an expert and qualified writer or editor.
Hybrid sites are also available, where you can find advice, editors, or people available for short or long term projects. These sites include Paper Fellows and People Per Hour. This means that no matter how you like doing business, or what kind of content you need producing, there are plenty of ways to find writers and editors to produce amazing and engaging content, that your social media followers will love.
4. Make Sure Every Post Is Perfect
While content is the key, your quality isn’t only determined by the quality of writing, but also by spelling, grammar, and mistakes. If someone clicks on your page and finds it riddled with errors and mistakes, they will assume that your business is incompetent and doesn’t pay much attention to detail. You can make sure that your work is flawless every time you post by using grammar checkers such as those available at Easy Word Count or Grammar Check.
5. Amplify Successful Content
Use analytics to check the responses and reactions to different kinds of content - stop doing whatever is not successful and make a strategy to post more content similar to the posts which garner you a lot of positive attention.

6. Use Social Media Tracking
An SMM panel can be easy to use and can monitor your social media profiles across several platforms – this makes them easy to monitor and also makes successful content really clear.

7. Use Calls to Action
Don’t be shy on social media – when you want something from a customer, whether it’s a like, a share, a comment, or a subscription, just go ahead and ask them for it. Very simple, and often very effective.
8. Tailor Your Content for Each Platform
You can’t send the same exact update across multiple platforms and expect it to be successful – you need to adapt your content to make sure it’s optimal for each platform, for example by adding hashtags to twitter posts.

Encouraging engagement isn’t easy, however by following the steps above, you could see massive improvements. Being professional, friendly, approachable, and ensuring you use means that are known to be successful on social media such as images and calls to action all add up to an engaging online presence.
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