Jessica Kaminski
Jessica Kaminski is one of the very first certified math tutors at Brighterly. She has over 10 years of experience as a tutor for children.
Incorporating mathematical concepts with practical data-driven applications in social media, we empower children to understand and thrive today. Together, we can make math education more relevant for the digital generation.
We are at a point where social media has become a central part of our daily lives. From elections to business launches, virtually everything reaches social platforms. And it’s all measured using metrics and predictive models, which explains the explosion in career choices available to the present and next generation.
For this next generation, navigating this digital world can be both exciting and disorienting. One way to help them manage and make sense of this environment is by understanding social media metrics through the lens of a subject they are familiar with — mathematics.
Math skills help their academic success and, in the outside world, come in handy for interpreting data, understanding trends, and making informed online decisions — all needed when reviewing social media metrics.
By integrating math education with digital literacy, a link that tutors have now begun creating by designing 7th grade math worksheets and other kinds of manipulatives, we can equip children with the tools they need to thrive in a data-driven society. With that in mind, it’s time to look at math and its role in making the best of the digital world.
Social media metrics are statistical indices measuring how a specific content, website, or page performs on social platforms. According to this publication on Science Direct, these metrics are often monitored, analyzed, and interpreted in a process called social media analytics. Many people have built lucrative careers as social media analysts.
Some of the common examples of these social media metrics are likes, shares, comments, engagement rates, and more. If you are active on social media, these terms may sound familiar, but for many kids and adults who don’t use social platforms as often, they may as well be hieroglyphs.
For the purpose of simplification, here’s a breakdown of some of these terms:
A like is a recognized form of engagement showing that a user appreciates a form of content. Many people use it as a benchmark for how appealing a post is.
Shares (or ‘retweets’ on X) are the results of a feature in most social platforms that signifies that a user finds the content meaningful enough to let others know about it. From a digital marketing standpoint, this metric is especially important because it extends the reach of a piece of content beyond the creator's original target audience.
The comments (or replies) metrics measure how many users leave feedback on a piece of content. This metric can provide qualitative insights into how the audience perceives the content.
The engagement rate measures all interactions (likes, shares, comments) any content receives and compares that data to the number of people/ accounts that have subscribed to get increased insight into an account’s activities (sometimes called followers). It’s an indicator of how engaging the content is.
You can measure the Engagement Rate by dividing a post’s Total Engagements by the account’s Total Followers and multiplying the result by 100.
It looks like this: Engagement Rate = (Total Engagements/ Total Followers) x 100
There are several dozen social media metrics, but the last one highlighted above shows a clear-cut example of how basic mathematics comes into play in social media. But, you may be asking why your child should bother about any of these. As always, we’ve considered that and have a compelling argument about why these metrics matter to kids.
Digital education technology allows children to practice their math skills in a way that shows instant real-world results and gives them that satisfaction of productivity while helping them become more critical consumers of digital content. Understanding these metrics can:
While looking through social media analytics, children learn to interpret data, identify trends, and arrive at independent and factual conclusions. This gives them a healthy appreciation of analytical thinking and makes them more confident in their abilities to use rational thinking daily.
Kids are especially susceptible to being influenced by ‘trending’ content and assuming that every popular content represents how the real world works. Awareness of how engagement works can counteract this risk. It can make children more mindful of the content they consume and share while teaching them the impact of their digital footprint.
Knowing how to read and interpret social media metrics is a key component of digital technology in education. It gives young learners the skills to navigate and succeed in an increasingly digital world.
Careers in fields like social media management, digital marketing, data analytics, and public relations need data proficiency and an understanding of audience behavior based on insights from metrics. These careers were not as available a few decades ago, but with the technological tools available today for creating content, your children can be pioneers in these fields if they understand social media metrics early. They can even be content creators themselves!
Digital literacy transcends just knowing how to use technology; it involves understanding how to interpret and analyze information online and using common sense to know when specific data or trends seem ominous. Educational platforms know this, and that is why talking about technology in education articles is the bread and butter of online courses today.
These days, your child can develop primary or secondary technological skills. Primary technology skills include SEO writing, social media data analytics, word processing, graphic design, video conferencing, etc. Meanwhile, secondary technology skills are skills that may be improved as the online class progresses and include social selling and technical writing.
By teaching children to read and interpret social media metrics, we are helping them develop data and other primary and secondary technology skills. Through all of this, math plays a vital role. Children can use its concepts and applications to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information by making sense of the data they see online.
Having established math’s relevance in social media analytics and the need for children to understand social media metrics, you may be curious about your next step. At this stage, it is essential that you merge both concepts. You can use social media metrics to teach your children math by:
Have your students choose a fun social media page (like that of a popular cartoon or kids' show). Then, choose two posts made by that social page and have the students record it somewhere. Every day, gather them in a group show them how many likes and comments those posts get, and have them write it down.
You can do this by projecting the information on a whiteboard or showing it on a digital pad. At the end of 10 days of recording, have your students solve the difference between the number of likes or comments on each post on day 1 versus day 10. This helps kids learn how to gather and track information.
You can use simple tools like graph paper or kid-friendly software to turn the data into colorful graphs and charts during the exercise above. You can also draw a pie/ bar chart on a whiteboard and shade it with colored markers. If you have time, you can create both visual styles and ask the children, “which of the following are made possible or easier by advances in education technology?” This helps them see the data in a visual way and appreciate how technology simplifies work while making math more fun.
You can open a social media page for these sessions or any other kid-friendly project that allows you to access its analytics. Show kids how to use simple parts of that social platform’s analytics tools with your guidance. Explain to them that students can access a digital environment from anywhere in the world by logging into the account on their phone, laptop, or tablet and assessing its settings. Let them see how numbers change in real time, and teach them to make the connection between actions and metrics.
Create easy worksheets where kids calculate data like average likes per post, a metric used to engage followers, or the total number of comments in a week. These worksheets will make the process easier if they have visual cues and use simple math terminologies. When done correctly and with the students’ level of experience in mind, this practice helps them understand basic addition and division.
Ask kids to guess how many likes a post might get by the end of the week based on current numbers or questions like, “which of the following is important when using technology?” Responses should be recorded and checked to see whose guess was closest. These kinds of activities teach them to make predictions based on data and the safest/ most efficient way to use technology.
You can alternatively show your students or kids different posts. Try to choose samples in different media forms, like pictures, videos, and text. Then, let them point out which ones get the most likes or comments. Discuss why they feel some posts do better than others and if they prefer a specific form of media to another.
To make the class more interesting, share simple stories about how people use social media for fun and learning. Also, encourage your students to share similar stories based on things they have experienced or imagined. This can become an avenue for them to express their storytelling and imaginative skills and a unique bonding moment for the class. To make the process more realistic, use examples of how certain posts become popular and what we can learn from them.
You can create a game or find one where kids earn points for answering questions about social media numbers. To engage their creative and analytic minds more, make the points they get for making accurate predictions higher than the ones they get from other activities like adding the total engagements a social media post has. This idea will make math learning more competitive, but in a good way.
Sometimes, dwelling on math and numbers can tire the children out, So, occasionally link the social media metrics to other things you have taught your students. For example, if they’re studying the different weathers in different geographic locations, compare the number of sunny days to the number of rainy days, similar to counting likes and comments. But take care that you don’t have students with special learning styles in case you confuse them with your analogy.
Finally, encourage your students to work in groups to collect data and make a simple presentation. They can look at a social media post or page, count the followers, likes, etc., and share what they found with the class. This is a strategy that also encourages the children to practice teamwork and communication.
Suppose a Twitter post has 100 likes, 50 retweets, and 20 comments, and the account has 500 followers, have your students calculate the engagement rate. The engagement rate can be calculated as:
Engagement Rate = (Total Engagements (which is the likes + retweets + comments) / Total Followers) x 100
That is: (170/500)x100 = 34%
This exercise helps students practice addition, division, and percentage calculation.
Encourage your kids to track the growth of a social media account over time. For instance, if an account gains 100 followers in a month, the students can calculate the average daily increase in followers and predict future growth trends.
Although this is a bit more complex and is more suitable for kids in higher grades in school, you can gradually introduce comparative analysis in your classroom. Teach students to compare the metrics of different posts to determine which type of content performs best. This involves using averages, medians, and percentages and helps students develop stronger calculative and analytical skills.
Whether you are a parent or a tutor, your role in guiding children through the digital world is more crucial than you think. These children are impressionable and likelier to adopt skills and viewpoints when young than later in life. By understanding social media metrics, you can better support and educate your children to set appropriate boundaries, think critically, and exhibit responsible online behavior.
Children can develop critical thinking skills, become better mathematicians, make informed decisions, and become responsible digital citizens if they have the right support. That is why this post targets parents, guardians, and children’s math tutors. By linking mathematical concepts with practical data-driven applications in social media, we empower children to understand and thrive today. Together, we can make math education more relevant for the digital generation.
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Jessica Kaminski is one of the very first certified math tutors at Brighterly. She has over 10 years of experience as a tutor for children.