Chris Odogwu
Chris Odogwu is a Freelance Writer. He is the Founder of ContentMeal – a media agency that creates premium content for organizations around the world.
Want to find out if you’d get better results working with Micro Influencers? Here are 5 reasons why micro influencers will generate better returns on investment.
There’s a new crop of people changing the dynamics of online marketing. Everyday people have become creators and promoters of marketing content. They may not be as famous as the big celebrities neither do they have millions of followers, but they get the job done, even better.
Recent findings show that online marketing is no longer a game of numbers. It takes much more than millions of followers to make marketing campaigns convert.
True influence has taken center stage, opening up marketing opportunities that were non-existent. One cannot deny that celebrities exert influence over their fans, but that influence is often subject to their claim to fame.
A Kim Kardashian may be influential when it comes to fashion due to her impeccable style, but the same cannot be said in other areas.
Before you spend the next thousands of dollars hiring that big celebrity like, Brad Pitt, Angelina Julie or Peyton List for your marketing campaign, you may want to find out if you’d get better results working with Micro Influencers.
More Read: Flip the Funnel: How To Use Micro-Influencers in 2018
Here are 5 reasons why micro influencers will generate better returns on investment.
Having graced our TV screens, social media timelines, magazines and airwaves for years, celebrities are easily recognized. But that’s no longer enough to get people buying things. Consumers aren’t as passive as they used to be. Thanks to advancement in technology, information has become more accessible, making consumers better informed to make buying decisions.
Despite their fascination for celebrities, consumers are more willing to take notes from people who have exhibited expertise in certain fields.
It’s more logical to take cooking lessons from a food influencer who makes different dishes on YouTube than a movie star who has never been seen cooking.
Micro influencers are often passionate about their craft, and this shines through in their content, making it easier for people to resonate with them.
With just a post, celebrities bring products and services to the awareness of millions of people. This is great for brands that are solely after awareness. But awareness doesn’t guarantee engagement. Brands want to get people talking about them from their marketing efforts.
Given that the higher the number of followers, the lower the Like Follower Ratio, celebrities can’t boast of much engagement in their posts.
Audiences of celebrities consist of people with diverse interests. Posts that are appealing to a fraction, may be of little or no interest to many others who couldn’t be bothered, and this leads to little or no engagement.
Micro influencers have active audiences. Interest is the core of their relationship – they want to hear what these influencers have to say, and are willing to be a part of the conversation by liking, commenting and sharing their content. There’s even the possibility of continuing the conversation on a personal level in a question and answer section.
One of the perks of being a celebrity is that a lot of people aspires to be like you. Having seen the “good life” these highly placed people live, their lives are the dream of many who’d give anything to walk in their shoes even just for a day.
Often times, this admiration is based on what they see, hence, can change when the reason for their admiration diminishes.
Micro influencers are followed for their craft. From very humble beginnings, they were able to win people over with their delivery. With little or no follower when they started out, they gradually built their followership by proving themselves in their niche.
Over the years, due to their consistency and credibility, their fan base has developed a sense of trust in them, taking their advice and instructions seriously.
They are more trustworthy because the affinity toward them isn’t beclouded by their non-existent celebrity. A study revealed that 40% of consumers made a purchase following a tweet from an influencer due to trust.
There’s a misconception that the more costly a commodity, the more efficient it is. But that isn’t always the case. A commodity may be expensive for several reasons – it doesn’t necessarily make it better than a more affordable one. Due to their VIP status, celebrities command a lot of dollar for everything they put their name on.
Having worked so hard to make a name for themselves, understandably, they deserve the rewards and accolades. But as a marketer, you want to see results. After paying huge amounts, beyond the hype and bragging rights of having a super star on your campaign, you may not get anticipated results.
More Read: Why Are Micro-Influencers Powerful Resources To Boost Your Brand
Micro influencers are celebrities in their own rights, but they have lower star power compared to the big names. As a result of this, they are more affordable. This shouldn’t be mistaken for inferiority.
Micro influencers boast of 22.2X higher conversion rates more than celebrities due to their niche specification and engagement. They stick to their area of expertise, and work with brands they resonate with.
According to research by McKinsey, companies with long term marketing campaigns outperform their peers with short term campaigns. A one-off may not get the attention of everyone as they may be indisposed at the time. When it’s continuous, there’s a higher chance of many more people becoming aware of the products or services, and possibly making a purchase.
Celebrities are in high demand. Getting them on your marketing campaign for the long term takes a lot of commitment. They are often more interested in one-offs due to their many engagements.
Asking them to promote your brand on a long term basis requires an endorsement with many conditions you have to fulfil. Apart from the huge financial implications of this, you have to be on your toes to please them.
Micro influencers are more receptive to long term engagements; it’s in line with their goal of consistency. They are more willing to get their followers familiar with brands over a period of time. Beyond promotional posts, they take it upon themselves to write reviews about such brands, giving their audience a detailed view of the products or services.
Influencer marketing increased by 198% in 2017 – this proves that it’s indeed effective. Many more brands are now tapping into this goldmine to actualize their marketing goals. Micro influencers give you more value for your money without much hassle. Wouldn’t you rather work with them?
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Chris Odogwu is a Freelance Writer. He is the Founder of ContentMeal – a media agency that creates premium content for organizations around the world.