
Top 8 Advantages of Using PDF Converter for Your Digital Business

More than 330 million people worldwide make use of PDF files on a day-to-day basis. PDF is a file format that has emerged as ubiquitous in modern business operations.

Heavily used as they are, PDF files are notorious for being rigid to editing and flexible usage. Businesses often need to rely on external tools to extract the optimal usage out of PDF files. 

While you can certainly try other formats, using a PDF converter to adapt the usage of PDF files brings a multitude of benefits to your digital business.

Let’s look at how a PDF converter brings ease, convenience, and growth to your business. 

Top 8 advantages of using PDF Converter for your digital business

A PDF converter is a software application that converts files from one format to another while keeping the content inside them intact. They convert one format from or to PDF format while providing additional features such as scanning and compressing files.

The goal of a PDF converter is to ease the use and sharing of files by converting them into the desired format. It makes them editable, shareable, and generally easy to use in day-to-day business operations. 

With PDFs being the go-to file format widely used in business operations, businesses will benefit by using them over other formats and converting them as and when needed for a smoother flow of operations. 

Here are the key benefits of using a PDF converter for your digital business with some examples:

1. Easy to edit

One of the most prominent benefits of PDF converters is the ability to edit PDF content. PDFs are non-editable documents by nature. You cannot change the content of a PDF file as is. This makes it challenging for users to work with their content.

A PDF converter resolves the issue with ease. For example, you receive a PDF from a client asking for your review of its content. You can convert PDF to word to easily add comments or make changes to the content.

You may convert it back to a PDF or share the file as is for the client’s perusal. This way, you can discuss the new changes then and there in the file. If you didn’t convert it, you would have to make external notes and go through them one-by-one with the client.

The client will have to apply the changes themselves to see the final look of the document. Whereas by converting it yourself, you give your client a finished product and save them time, effort, and resources.

Ultimately, it brings a professional look to handling proceedings with a client. You can communicate much faster with a client when you’re not left scrambling to look for proper formats for the content you share with them. You present content in the desired format with ease. 

2. Easy to share

Not every file type is accepted on every platform, software application, and server. Platforms can generally process a limited number of file formats. In such cases, a handy PDF converter can instantly convert your files to the desired format.

For example, you’re submitting the tender to a client on their website. Their platform only allows DOCX or OCR formats while your file is a PDF. The solution is to simply convert your PDF file to one of the accepted formats and send in your tender.

This saves you the trouble of creating a new document from scratch in one of the accepted formats. You don’t have to have mastery of other formats as well. You can create content in one format and promptly convert it to the other for faster workflow. 

This doesn’t just go for proceedings with external parties but for internal ones. Day-to-day office operations will get a significant boost with the use of a PDF converter. Departments can easily share the files amongst themselves, ask for a particular format or change it themselves when they send them. 

For example, your digital business could create a marketing campaign that requires short videos. The concept of the videos can be finalized between the writer and graphic designer via word documents and then sealed and sent to the client for approval as PDF files. This makes the operations smooth and professional at the same time.

3. eSign tool

eSigning has emerged as a major tool for digital businesses. With businesses conducting their affairs partially or entirely remotely today, they cannot rely on sending and receiving physical documents to clients and associates for getting them signed or sealed.

PDF converters offer the eSigning tool that allows you to sign a digital document. You will be able to put your legitimate signature on a digital document without having to sign on physical paper at all.

It’s legitimate in the eyes of law and allows businesses to deal with their clients and associates much quicker than the back and forth of traditional paper documents. You don’t have to wait for the documents to arrive and send them back via courier. You can simply do it on the spot.

The same concept applies to internal matters. One of the most prominent examples of this can be seen in the remote hiring of personnel. The rise of digitization has opened the doors for remote hiring in companies where businesses are looking to hire people from all over the world. 

Hiring someone from the other corner of the world puts the legal formalities of the hiring process in strain, getting the signatures on the document in particular. With the eSigning tool provided by PDF converters, it has become extremely easy to hire people without ever having to have physical contact with them, while taking care of the legalities. 

4. Ensures the security of data

Cybersecurity is a pressing concern in the digital world of today. It especially impacts digital businesses that heavily rely on remote modes of operation for their work. Small businesses have suffered from the exposure of their confidential data in the federal database in 2020.

This is why PDF is a preferred format amongst digital businesses. They’re not editable. They can be protected with a password. And you can restrict who gets access to your PDF. The data you share with a thor-party remains untouchable and intact to intrusions.

With a PDF converter, you can easily switch between formats to allow for convenient and smooth operations. You can create and edit content in word or DOCX files and instantly convert them to PDF to safely share confidential data.

The PDF format also helps you store data more securely and protect it from internal threats. Keeping confidential data safe in PDF format allows internal users to look at it but not edit it while still being able to search through it. 

For example, your system’s client files can be stored in PDF format. Every employee of your company will require to put in a password to access them; only the top management can make changes to them via a PDF converter. 

5. Saves time

The use of technology has been proven to reduce costs by up to 30% and increase productivity in the long run. A PDF converter is a prime example of technology making things easier for business operations.

You don’t have to retype data in different formats to store, archive, work on, or send to a client or associate. You can simply convert it into an acceptable format and get to the next task. You don’t have to spend any time looking for alternatives as well.

Finding alternatives that work exactly the way you want can often be challenging. A PDF converter is a resident solution to looking for suitable alternatives as it doesn’t require you to alter the document but preserves its quality and content while saving you time and effort.

You cannot expect your clients to work hard to convert files into the desired format to collaborate with you. However, as it’s extremely easy to do with a PDF converter, you can do it effortlessly before, after, and during every client, interaction to save time in meetings with them and ensure a smooth flow of conversation. 

For example, you are on a virtual call with a client. You have the PDF file for the proposed project ready with you. To be able to review its contents, you shall convert it to a word file and share it with the client. After the changes are made, convert it back to PDF and share the final version with them to archive. 

6. Increases productivity

As a PDF converter helps you process work tasks in less time, it directly impacts your productivity. Your team knows the tool to reach out to whenever they need to edit, share or work on a document.

They will not be wasting time looking for tools and alternatives or asking their colleagues about the same. They can use the PDF converter straight away and get the tasks done in no time. Setting a smooth flow of work helps increase the productivity of your team as a whole.

Moreover, you buy your team more time and resources for innovation and creativity by taking care of routine tasks and streamlining them as much as possible. They can brainstorm their ideas more when they know everything is taken care of.

You will notice that your employees generally exhibit positive behavior when the flow of operations in the office is smooth and desirable. Frequent hiccups at work and not having solutions ready can often cause teams to feel unmotivated. 

Simple issues, such as not having files sent to them in the right format, can often cause tension among teams and departments. A PDF converter helps solve the issue and maintains a positive workflow between teams. 

7. Helps you go paperless

Digital businesses mostly rely on a digital framework to function. Physical and paper documents are generally out of place in the highly digitized structure. They take up space and are time-consuming to organize.

Moreover, you cannot look through them for information as easily. A PDF converter offers a simple solution to help you create a personal eFiling system. Your digital records take no physical space to be stored. 

And a PDF converter makes it easy to manage your PDF files and document information. We talked about the eSigning tool making deals with clients easier. Similarly, you can keep your records protected in PDF form, and convert them into desired formats to send to a third party.

8. Standardization and compliance

PDF converters help you bring standardization to your digital records. You don’t have to have different types of file formats in your system. Convert different formats to PDF form for safe storage of information.

When it comes to using the files for work or sending them to third parties, convert them in the desired format and set a smooth and fast flow of work. 

Moreover, having a standardized record of your entire business eases compliance management. As you have all your records well organized, you can quickly look up specific pieces of information to complete tasks.

Having data organized keeps you audit-ready as you can simply compile the needed documents and present them for inspection even at short notice. You don’t have to look for important documents or gather them for compilation.

Edit and share PDFs on the go with PDF converters

PDFs have emerged as the go-to file formats for corporate operations. While they’re safe and manageable, they’re not editable and easily shareable.

A PDF converter helps solve the issue by making PDFs eminently easy to edit and share for digital businesses. It converts PDFs to your desired format and vice versa for a smooth flow of operations.

Edit PDFs, share them with clients and associates, go paperless with a wholly digital archive that is both safe and easy to manage, and grow your digital business.

Let us know in the comments what advantages you think a PDF converter brings to the operations of a digital business.

TNS Experts

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