TNS Experts
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Are you finding it hard to manage employee issues on a daily basis? Read below to find out more about some of the effective methods you can use to address employee attendance issues.
The key component to having a successful business is surrounding yourself with the right team. Rushing through the employee hiring process may lead to big mistakes being made. Having employees that simply aren’t showing up for work can affect your productivity levels in a negative way.
In a recent study, nearly 40 percent of employees polled claimed to have called into work even when they felt well enough to go. If you are dealing with employee attendance issues, addressing them head-on is essential.
In some cases, these attendance issues may be caused by scheduling conflicts. Solving these issues will be much easier when investing in state-of-the-art employee scheduling software. By taking your employee scheduling digital, you can reduce the number of human errors that occur.
Read below to find out more about some of the effective methods you can use to address employee attendance issues.
Having an employee handbook that clearly lays out the expectations you have is wise. By putting these things in black and white, you can avoid employees using excuses like they didn’t know to get out of trouble when missing work.
Most companies abide by the “three strikes” policy when it comes to excessive tardiness and absences. While no one ever wants to fire an employee, there are some instances when this is the best option. If an employee can’t seem to show up for work even when they have been warned multiple times, you need to replace them with someone who is willing to work.
Are you in the process of scheduling a meeting with an employee to talk about their absences? Before you go into this meeting, be sure to take time to compile evidence. Having actual dates and facts to support the claims you are making will help you get your point across.
Compiling this evidence will also show your employees how serious you are about them showing up to work. Rather than going into one of these meetings with a defensive mentality, listen to what your employee has to say. If they have legitimate reasons why they have been absent, then you may need to rethink writing them up for this offense.
One of the worst mistakes you can make as a business owner is detaching yourself from day to day operations. As soon as bad employees see that you are not coming around as often, they will probably start to miss more work. Letting these employees know that you have noticed their tardiness and absences can be effective.
In some situations, all it takes is for one member of upper management to confront an employee to get them back in line. If this approach does not work, you need to be prepared to levy harsh punishments.
If an employee starts missing a lot of work all of the sudden, chances are they are dealing with some personal issues. While you need to avoid prying into their personal life, let an employee know that your door is always open should they need to talk.
If the person in question is a valued employee, you need to show a bit of leniency for them. Jumping the gun on firing one of your best employees can lead to lots of productivity problems in the future.
Giving your employees the impression you are unapproachable can come back to haunt you in the future. You need to make sure your team knows they can come to you any time they have a problem. If an employee needs to miss work to attend to personal matters, you need to ensure they feel comfortable talking to you.
Not only can keeping lines of communication open reduce absences, it can make your company run like a well-oiled machine. Investing some time in meeting with each of your employees just to “checkup” on them will let them see you actually care about them and their well-being.
Using a one size fits all approach when it comes to employee absences is foolish. Each situation will be unique and will need to be treated as such. In some cases, you will need to offer accommodations to your employees if they are dealing with things like a death in the family or sickness. Showing your employees compassion can be an effective way to keep them loyal to your company for a long time to come.
Are you finding it hard to manage employee issues on a daily basis? If so, it may be time to outsource your human resource tasks. By doing this, you can focus more on growing your company.
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This post was submitted by a TNS experts. Check out our Contributor page for details about how you can share your ideas on digital marketing, SEO, social media, growth hacking and content marketing with our audience.