
6 Tips to Boost Conversion Rates

6 Tips to Boost Conversion Rates

Ever wondered what the different ways to boost conversion rates on your site are? If not, here's your chance to learn about tips to achieve this endeavor effectively.

Part of the difficulty of being an entrepreneur is that you bear the weight of each area of business, some of which you never signed up for or were never passionate about.

The pace is "go, go, go" as you create and refine your product and take on the role of marketing director, financial advisor, creative team, copywriter, and the like.

And let's face it, many of us don't love analyzing conversion information. But an essential part of the process is stepping back and looking at your conversion rates. Knowing these numbers will help you recognize when things get stagnant, and your business is experiencing growth (and why!).

It's time to step back and scrutinize your work with a critical eye. So I'm going to lay out six tips to help you pull yourself out of the slump of low conversion rates.

1. Focus, Focus, Focus

It astonishes me how often conversion rates become secondary or an afterthought. Conversion rates are EVERYTHING! You must give focused time and attention to your current rates and what they should be.

If it's just you, consider outsourcing the task. It'll be worth the investment. However, if you have a team of people on the project, make sure one person primarily focuses on your conversion rates. This information will inform all business areas, from designing the landing page to shipping the product.

These numbers can't be ignored. I can't tell you how many businesses do not know their rates. And it shows! All the marketing in the world cannot increase business if your page fails to convert people to sales, registrations, e-mails, or whatever it is for your particular business.

With this information, you'll recognize when you have low conversion rates, when your rates have increased, and what brought those improvements.

2. Great Copywriting Is Key

If someone reads through your content and is still unclear on your product and why they should buy from you, not the guy down the street, they're gone.

Excellent copy is a must. It affects whether or not a reader is open to giving you their e-mail, purchasing your product, signing up for your webinar, etc. You can't sacrifice good copy and hope something else will pick up the slack.

When it comes to copy, simplicity is vital. Start with a killer headline. From there, write the way that you talk: like a human. Consider using numbers to attest to the success of your product. When it comes down to it, crafting the copy for your landing page is key to converting readers to sales. Take the time to write solid, clear copy so that the reader quickly grasps the benefits of your product and clicks that "Purchase Now" button.

3. Fine-Tune Your Unique Selling Proposition

Soon after a potential customer clicks on your landing page, they should clearly understand what you are offering and how it will benefit them. Of course, this goes along with the importance of excellent copy.

The focus does not have to lie on the ins and outs of what you're offering but on how it will benefit them and change their lives. So why is it better than the last offer they viewed, for instance?

Avoid buzzwords that foster mistrust. Avoid being vague and ambiguous to garner a larger audience. People need to be able to understand what you're offering.

4. Provide Social Proof

Due to the power of the Internet and the massive amount of information at buyers' fingertips, they are doing their homework and studying up on products and reviews.

The most significant factor that persuades a person to purchase your product will be the word of others. So make space on your page for those committed to your development and rave about it. Use actual tweets and Facebook comments. Include testimonials with photos on your landing page. This is a great way to give potential customers a window into how your product can help them.

This is even more important than saving money. Customers would rather know what they are investing in is tried and true than save a couple of bucks.

5. Have A Clear Call To Action

The purpose of your landing page is to have a response you want users to complete. Do your best to persuade and entice buyers to take the next step. Your call to action needs to be precise.

Having your CTA centralized is essential, with as few options as possible. Use action words like buy, register, subscribe, now, etc. Create white space around your CTA so that a reader's eyes are naturally drawn to it.

When it comes to getting information from readers requires the least amount of data possible. Therefore, you aim to remove as many hurdles as possible that would prohibit them from clicking. For example, if you're looking for readers sign-up for your newsletter, require their e-mail.

6. Your Page Must Be Mobile Friendly 

The number of purchases made from phones is at an all-time high and still soaring. Not only that, but Google considers a site's mobile-friendliness when ranking it.

Now that you've taken the time to refine your copy and fine-tune your USP, it's time to take a look at the format of your landing page with a new set of eyes. If potential buyers cannot successfully navigate your site, they may leave for good. And to state the obvious, what a shame to lose customers, just because your page is glitchy.

Let's not stop there. Check your page in various browsers. Please have a friend go through the purchasing process to ensure it is smooth and that no errors are encountered.


Take a little time to think through these principles in light of what you've got going on. Then, as a result of the process, you're going to have a good idea of what changes need to be made. And when you make those changes, you will surely see your conversion rates increase.

Ricky Law is a freelance writer located in the UK. He is passionate about marketing and all things digital.

Sawaram Suthar (Sam) is a Founding Director at Middleware. He has extensive experience in marketing, team building and operations. He is often seen working on various GTM practices and implementing the best ones to generate more demand. He has also founded a digital marketing blog - TheNextScoop.

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