Sam Makad
Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.
Want to maximize online sales? Look at some of the basic things you need to have in place to help make a success of your online sales.
If you’re planning to launch a business that’s going to be selling products online, don’t just jump in and hope for the best. As with all companies, you need to know what you’re doing, who you’re targeting, and how you will achieve those much sought-after web sales.
Here’s a refresher of the basic things that you need to have in place to help make a success of your online trading.
Any budding entrepreneur should be knowledgeable and skilled to succeed in the market they’re working in. As well as basic education, you should also have developed some specific business skills. As you launch and grow your online business, you will have to be the master of many things.
So, if you haven’t already got any management training or qualifications, then think about taking a BSBA degree online or a shorter course. You may want to consider doing this before starting your venture to maximize your chances of success. If not, you could get things going and study alongside your work commitments.
If you’re starting up a company, you need a business plan in place, one which sets out where you want to go and how you’re going to reach it. You need to define the products you’re going to market and sell online and who you intend to target with them - your customer market.
Before you take to the net to trade, you need to have developed a carefully defined brand image and messaging. You want your clients to identify with you, and the goods you provide come back to you repeatedly. You need customers to trust your company and recommend it to others.
As part of this, you need to have a business logo and corporate branding to use in all marketing forms, whether on your website, on social media channels, or in direct marketing. You need to think about branding that defines who you are and connects with your clients. If your clients were a logo and brand, what would they look like? How would they feel? What would be their aspirations?
Besides marketing and PR efforts, you should also be very protective of your brand. For example, understanding basic online security is integral for an online store. If you were to be hacked, you would lose out on sales opportunities at that moment and risk angering potential customers who are unlikely to return.
If you’re serious about doing well in business, then your branding isn’t something you should be doing in a hurry and on the cheap. It’s worth investing in some expert help to advise you on what’s best for your business and deliver the desired results.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling on the net; you need to make your online store the place to go for your products. That means you need a great looking website, accessible on all sorts of devices, from desktop computers, tablets, smartphones and so on. Online customers have set their standards high, having had some tremendous retail experiences already on the web, so you need to seduce and impress them too!
What this all means is that you need an amazing online store that genuinely does the business. Suppose you’re not an expert in all of this. In that case, again, you should look to hire some outside help, such as professional specialist website developers who’ve got a proven track record of designing successful sites for e-commerce.
You’ll want a site that completely immerses your customers in your products. If you’re selling condo vacation rentals, for example, you’ll want to be including features such as 360 videos, where people can have a look at the properties you’re offering as if they are there in person. Still photos and other video content will also help.
You also need to make sure your online store is attractive, not text-heavy and easy to navigate around, with products and services placed into relevant categories that are easily searchable. You need to take people on a journey they’ll remember and hopefully want to buy into and explore further.
Also, ensure your site has efficient SEO, or search engine optimization features, to ensure that customers can find you in organic search listings (these are the ones you don’t have to pay for!).
Whatever your line of online business, you’ll need to consider how you’re going to take payments from customers. That means installing a payment gateway, which is easy to use but is crucially safe and secure and protects client data. You also need a facility that gives your business peace of mind, authorizing payments and transmitting them to your business bank accounts efficiently.
As well as through your website, and your online store, you should also be maximizing the promotion of your products and services through other channels, including social media. Social media platforms are an effective way to reach out to your clients and interact with them directly.
You should create and maintain several profiles across all the main platforms and post content regularly, in a uniform way. Make sure your messaging and branding are clear but don’t just fire adverts at people. You should include content relevant to your market, your industry, and clients and content that gets them talking and sharing.
Also, think about writing a regular blog; it can be a great way to raise your profile personally and your business internationally.
You may well have your sights set on building a huge online trading empire, but a word of caution: you should try and take one step at a time in a managed and realistic way. Your business plan will form the basis of this. You need to stop and review your business as it develops and ask yourself: am I reaching the revenue levels I expect to reach this stage? Am I on track for the growth that is the forecast? Is the current business model working? Do I need to make any changes?
With growth, of course, come more demands on your business. You will have to consider whether you need to take on any staff, invest in more resources and possibly get some office space. You will need to factor all of this into your growth aspirations.
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Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.