Sam Makad
Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.
In this blog, we have mentioned some ways you can encourage donors to contribute to your cause and grow in the process.
It can be exciting to receive the first donation from a new contributor. But when the time comes around for them to contribute again and you can’t get a hold of them, it doesn’t necessarily mean they lost interest in your cause.
Grasping donors and encouraging them to contribute is a crucial component of a successful nonprofit. According to a study of contributors who donated one year, only 43% of those donors donated the following year again. But, that doesn’t mean you cannot retain valuable donors. Here are some ways you can encourage donors to contribute to your cause and grow in the process.
If the donation process feels like a tricky puzzle, donors might feel discouraged to give gain. Use membership management software to streamline the donation process and make the task simpler for your contributors. A member management software will allow members to sign up online, automate member renewals, and process payments, removing the requirements to go back and forth with humans handling the task.
In addition, membership management software can also automate routine tasks for your organization and volunteers and enable you to access client data at ease. It’s a win-win for you and your members!
Credit: cottonbro Via Pexels
A good connection with your contributors is one of the best ways to encourage them to give again. When you stay in touch with the individuals who support your cause, they feel more connected to your organization.
Building trust is the foundation of a nonprofit, which you can achieve by staying in touch with your donors. If you reach out to donors only when you need donations, they might be hesitant to contribute. However, constant contact will show them that you value their presence and gifts.
When you give someone a gift, you probably expect a thank you in return for your thought and effort. Similarly, donors also expect a gesture of appreciation. Sometimes, automated responses with thank you written on the receipt are not sufficient. Donors often refrain from contributing again when their efforts aren’t appreciated.
If you want to hold on to the donor and stop them from leaving, make sure to send personalized messages letting them know the value of their contribution. It typically costs an organization five times more to solicit new clients. So, it is in your nonprofit’s best interests to hang on tight to your existing donors.
Credit: Wilhelm Gunkel Via Unsplash
When you show your donors how you used their money towards the cause, they will be more willing to contribute. You could create success stories videos and share them with your donors or post them on social media. Showing people the change that their contributions can make will encourage previous donors to give again while attracting more donors.
When you’re running a nonprofit, you’re already doing a lot for society. But, taking a few steps to ensure those efforts remain helpful will require you to hold on to existing donors. Encouraging donors to contribute donors doesn’t have to be challenging if you follow the methods above.
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Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.