Social Media Marketing

6 Secrets to Getting a Social Influencer’s Attention

A recommendation can quickly get the eyes upon you. Out of so many ways of appearing acquainted, influencer marketing is becoming a prominent one. In the thriving marketplace, it is a robust way to give the happy chance to newer possibilities. So, you do not have to worry too much about this new term as this simply means, finding an “influencer”, from your industry and make an impact.

Every industry has a person with humongous social extension, followers and a circle of community. If you persuade that influencer to share your brand, materials and talk about it, wouldn’t it be great?

One recommendation from that industry-celeb will get you a trail of followers, and land you the future opportunities. This also includes a chance to interview that individual. After all, that is all a brand needs to get ahead and thrive.

So, yes, it’s all very simple to imagine than doing. You know, how difficult it can be. The industry influencer which you are thinking about may have thousands of people following him/her. Just raising your hand to get the attention is not enough. So, how people actually do it?

Building a span of the audience is not an overnight job. It takes work and most importantly, patience. You must keep coming with quality and a content that can make an impact. A consistent branding at all the fitting places is important.

1. Don’t Target the Front Line First

Narrowing down the priorities and eliminate all the distractions from your list. So, don’t start with front-line influencers of the industry. Of course, when you do not have anything significant to show, you may not get a hefty amount of attention. You will camouflage amidst hundreds of such messages and emails. So, target two influencers at one time, and make you choose wisely. The safe choice will be to look for people who have many followers but not so wide that you can’t touch their grounds.

2. It’s Give and Take

You must understand that influencers do have the least time to do charity work. If you would ask for a favor, you may sound like the creepiest in the room. So, instead of moving ahead with a request in hand, offer a contribution. You may need to wiggle a lot, so be prompt with the imagination and the knowledge you have.

You may have to work on things like, what is so important about this person, and what may gain his/her attention. One thing which always works is, talking about the most recent works of that person. Share the buzzing point and hit a very strong equivalent to uplift its visibility. This will also give a healthy traffic to help you search engine rankings.

3. Become a Share Point of Their Content

In this, your brand has to be regardless of opinion and circumstances. When you get a good content from that person, sharing becomes more like caring. This way you are also helping your own audience to get accustomed with a remarkable work. Make their content public to give a start to your relationship with them.

4. Tell them about the Free Branding

So, why shouldn’t you? You are genuinely sharing their content in the public, so you must tell them about this. You can always mention this during the social media posts and comments on blogs.

5. Make Yourself Different

Social media is another active world now. Thousands of people are sweating out for an industry celeb’s time. Many of them are in this before you. So, makes you cross all this? So, if you spend time in thinking and planning out on being different, then you will nail it for good. The very first thing is to do good web SEO and make yourself highlighted with a specific niche. Promote yourself with a unique content and stuff.

Of course, they will do a good background research. Make sure, you have a fancy one to show. So, playing safe with the line which millions of people use, is not going to work. Instead, work on building up your own brand personality. How about offering something which has never been showcased before?

6. Respect Their and Your Time

The next important thing is respect of your celeb’s time. With many admirers, they are quite busy people, so cannot afford to reciprocate to every query. If you know this well, you will be much likely to gain their respect. Nothing else will pinch them so much than your time-sucking attention seeking.

If you start with the above tips, you are most likely to draw their genuine feedback and standpoint. Moreover, we do not advice you to con these impactful people. They earned where they are today.

To understand the authentic process of influence marketing, you can do some homework with below tips:

  • Utilize their Services and Products

Use what they offer to their audience. This is important so, that your brand value thrives with originality. You can post a blog post about the content which will ultimately give rise to your website rankings also.

  • Adapt their Content

With their resourcefulness, you can share a valuable content with the audience. But, the condition is, “A Big Fat No to Plagiarism”. You can take a different course of action like creating a video, infographic and disperse their content in this. Of course, you will give them the credit for the content.

Recommended link: How to Make Content Efforts More Scalable

  • Connect with them Directly

DO NOT shy away from this. Even after you do all of the above, you have to get into the battleground. The best approach is to be subtle. Make it crisp and well-structured. If you respect their time, you will linger in their mind for longer. So, do not be pushy with them, but push yourself to be with them!

  • Rejections are Natural

The bottom line is, you have to be hard-shell. The star of luck may not shine with the very first influencer you choose. Of course, you will come across dozens till you land with a response. You have to be clear-headed to move to the next industry-celeb with no regrets in mind.

These tips will not give you a higher ROI, but you will get the influencer’s brand identity attached with your earmark.

Sanket Patel

Sanket Patel is Founder & Director of Blurbpoint Media. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. He is expert in Web marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, B2B Marketing, Online Advertisement of Google, yahoo and MSN.

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