Anubhuti Shrivastava
Anubhuti Shrivastava is Content Crafter at Arkenea and regularly contribute to several blogs and publications on topics related to technology and design.
Let's take a look at the four major tips that can help you in developing the best product strategy roadmap for your enterprise.
Today, every business has to perform in a fiercely competitive marketplace in order to be on the top. It seems easy but in reality, it's a challenging task. For achieving this, every entrepreneur has to prepare a time-based plan which can help them to attain their long-term goals.
This is where strategic roadmapping comes into the picture. It is a comprehensive plan that allows your team to evolve by describing the value every member can add to the business. Let's take a look at the four major tips that can help you in developing the best product strategy roadmap for your enterprise.
First of all, you need to clearly define what are your business goals and main objectives? You should act as a guide to your team and make sure that everyone is on the same page. Also, it's your duty to provide the team with your company’s vision and product strategies before beginning each presentation. It can be a tedious task but it's extremely important to encourage employees.
In addition, you have to find out a specific product strategy by explicitly mentioning who are your target customers? What pain points will it solve for them? and how your product is unique in comparison to other similar ones available in the market. Also, it's mandatory to consider the target users' goals when preparing the final version of your roadmap.
The roadmap is not essentially the list of the features that your product is going to offer to the target customers. But it should flow effortlessly and tell the story around your product in a captivating manner.
For weaving an engaging story, you can divide the entire roadmap into different themes. With the help of these themes, it will be much easier for you to describe the value of your product in front of customers and other stakeholders.
In addition, themes can be used to showcase what your team will deliver ultimately. It will help your marketing professionals to build stories for acquiring and retaining more customers in the long-run. You should also share your roadmap based on themes with the stakeholders. This will allow them to get an idea of the value of your organization and its employees.
For preparing an ideal roadmap that has the potential to let you realize your long-term goals, it's essential for you to focus on the major problems you want to solve and why. Involve UX designers and engineering at this stage. They can help in identifying the ways in which these problems can be solved. Ultimately, you and your entire team will be able to build a product that is loved by your customers.
When you are done with identifying the major vision and strategies the next step that you have to take is that create a swimlane for each one of these individually. This will allow you to present your core strategies in an efficient manner to the stakeholders and targeted customers. Also, you will be able to come up with a time-based model in which you can accomplish every strategy effectively to fulfil your objectives.
These are the four major steps you need to take for creating a strategy based product roadmap. Apart from building this, it's equally important for you to lead your team properly in the situations where they are ambiguous or confused. It's your duty to act as an anchor that holds the entire team together no matter what problems are coming over the horizon. It's a good idea to focus on the bigger picture and ensure that your team is following your footsteps so that to cherish success in the end.
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Anubhuti Shrivastava is Content Crafter at Arkenea and regularly contribute to several blogs and publications on topics related to technology and design.