Rebecca Hill
Rebecca Hill is the Outreach Coordinator at TechWyse, an SEO agency in Toronto, Canada. While she isn't building relationships with bloggers and influencers in the marketing world, she can be seen rooting for the Blue Jays.
Machine learning is a process to inspect data automatically using a type of analytical method. This AI can learn about data patterns and make decisions with very little human guidance.
Machine learning is a way of analyzing data automatically using a type of analytical method! It is an artificial intelligence that can learn data patterns and make decisions with little human guidance. Artificial intelligence is the method of making computers perform tasks that require intelligence.
Although machine learning has been around for a few years, it is now changing the way we optimize for search engines, and is considerably developing! If you have a website or a business online, you got to be on top of these variations.
How will machine learning change the organic search results? What skill sets will SEOs need for adapting to these changes? It is time to pay close attention to how machine learning is changing SEO and learn new skills to keep up with this rise in technology!
There could be a significant decline observed in your client's search engine visibility, conversions, and traffic. It might seem to you like an algorithm update, but that may not be the case. It can be ultimately related to machine learning changing the SERP's and consequently making your client's site to move further down where no one will view it!
Recommended: Are You Using AI in Your Business? If Not, You’re Behind
Google is discovering how to look at things better and understand things in a much deeper way than ever before. This enables them to render better results to end users satisfying their intent!
If your content is unable to provide users with a positive experience, then you will have a tough time trying to rank as machines will continue to learn and get smarter!
If you are attempting to get your business or blog to rank high, then now there are more than just looking at keywords. SEO will now get much more complicated, and you will need to know how to optimize and make sure your website is shown in the right place!
As SEOs, we will be faced with new challenges in making sure our content is appropriate and useful at the moment across all devices, platforms and content formats!
Most of the SEOs will start to focus on content more for providing high-quality content experience for their clients through content development and optimization services.
With the passage of time, technical SEO will be of least importance and will require less human interactions. Many software and platform vendors are building tools and applications that are very SEO friendly and follow best SEO practices!
Google Search Console will be run entirely on machine learning technology limiting human interactions. It is clearly evident from the crawl error messages sent from GSC. Soon enough, Google should fix the issue for you as the machines are getting smarter!
With Google fixing all these technical issues, what is left for humans from a technical SEO perspective is very less!
In this world of internet, everything changes fast and needs to be updated regularly to avoid being left behind. Keeping up with the pace may look challenging, but staying ahead of the game will mean you are more likely to succeed! Here are some SEO strategies you can use for adapting to the changes!
Research on other websites recognized by Google as authoritative and analyze what they do. Imitating some of the aspects of your domain can help you learn how to craft your content for ranking high!
Following the website structure of a well-known site will help you to be more visible in search results. Concentrate on the snippets, URLs, and how they attract readers. Always make sure to keep your topic clear and structure sound, otherwise you will resemble spam sites which are very low ranking!
If you fail to update your website regularly, then there are chances your page to slide. You must always make sure your content is fresh and up to date. Information shared must be relevant to today's readers! Others will suppress your website search rankings if you don't make modifications according to the new updates.
Improvising on the visuals of your website and modernizing the layout of the site with visually catchy infographics and high-quality images will also help! It is always good to have blogs on your website to help you keep it up to date.
The first pieces of information looked at while generating search results are the titles, URLs, and meta descriptions. These are all essential SEO factors. Make sure to have a clear, concise and easy to understand subject. This way, the search results will favour you!
For ranking pages, the click-through rate plays a vital role rather than the content length, the number of backlinks, and so on. Improving click-through rate can be accomplished by answering potential search terms in your titles and descriptions and following that up with relevant content for end-users.
From a user's point of view, speed is given high value. They expect a page to load within 2 seconds or less. Users will not wait for your page to load. A bad user experience could impact your site negatively, and if they pass on the message to their friends, it will affect sales and conversions drastically!
Seo is changing at a much faster pace than we expected with advanced machine learning. Search intent is a vital signal for content that is relevant and of high quality! The SEO community must make the necessary changes and adapt to help Google connect audiences with the right content at the right time and deliver.
Technology is advancing every day and will continue to shape every aspect of our lives and how we practice SEO. Always be prepared for the future and don't limit your SEO efforts on just tactics and strategies that do not work anymore.
Focus on what is necessary to get your clients the result they seek! Follow these steps, and you can be sure of positive results!
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Rebecca Hill is the Outreach Coordinator at TechWyse, an SEO agency in Toronto, Canada. While she isn't building relationships with bloggers and influencers in the marketing world, she can be seen rooting for the Blue Jays.