
Website Performance Monitoring: 5 Big Reasons Why It’s Important for Business

Blogs and websites are an integral component of creating your brand and business. After all, the modern information and knowledge economy place value on finding information in the web world.

Web assets are so important that Google will penalize search result linkings of your website if the site offers a poor and slow experience.

In addition, more than 90 percent of purchasing decisions, in most industries, start with a quick search online. This fact quickly highlights why you should ensure that your website is online and performing as expected. If you are unavailable online, because the website is down, you lose credibility, leads, and sales eventually.

It is critical that you work with a service that keeps a watch on your website’s uptime. Doing otherwise, your site is likely to come up with downtime issues. So, why is constant monitoring and managing your website, online store, or blog important?

1. Protect Your Brand Image

It doesn’t matter whether you are running a brick and mortar store or a click and mortar enterprise, creating a great brand image is critical.

Therefore, you need to take proactive steps to protect your brand image. A worldwide audience simply means that your business’ image lives or dies at the customer satisfaction level.

Regular downtime occurrences have an easy way of jeopardizing your online store’s sales. The best way to stop unwanted hazards and protect your brand’s image is through constant monitoring of your site.

2. Prevent Losses

Frequent website downtime problems have a way of leading to lost sales. For instance, in 2018, Amazon, one of the world’s largest online retailers experienced an outage that lasted 13 minutes.

While the figure sounds paltry, once converted to dollars, that outage lost the retailer $66,240 per minute – or a massive $2 million!

3. Detect Hackers Fast!

As observed above, even if your site experiences a downtime of a few minutes, it can have disastrous results. One of the possible reasons for downtime is hackers. A hacker can derail uptime of your site and activate malicious code that keeps it down.

However, web log management and monitoring tools like Loggly and Middleware can quickly inform you of such issues. Such tools keep your webmaster informed by email or text at frequent intervals.

4. Keep Customers Happy

While dealing with your repeat and existing customers, your focus should be on keeping them happy with your products and services. This is especially true if your customers have active subscriptions to your products and services that they can access through your website.

If you are offering cloud-based software services, you need to ensure high uptime levels so your customers are happy.

On the other hand, if downtime issues remain unresolved for long, chances are high that your customers will move on. After all, your competitor is simply a click away, so never give your customer a reason to look elsewhere.

5. Obtain the Best Search Engine Ranking

In a nutshell, Google deeply frowns upon downtime issues. If your business site is constantly down for one or more days, it will suffer a huge setback in terms of ranking in search results. Among other factors, search ranking is affected by downtime and speed of your website.

6. Critical Monitoring Checks

Fortunately, it’s easy to set up monitoring checks to ensure that your site, blog or online store is set up properly. A ping monitor checks whether there is network communication between two computers and network hosts.

In addition, the test also checks the network’s connection latency, depending on the quality of your network or Internet connection.

A Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) monitor allows you to keep an eye on whether the website is responding as it should or not. This check allows the webmaster to view HTTP traffic between the computer and Internet as well as observe for hidden communications between servers and browsers.

A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) check helps ensure that file movement (download and upload) from a server to a computer and vice versa is working as expected. In addition, the check also tests for server availability and ability to read/write files on the server.

A Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) check ensures that no data is lost when transferring data from your site to a device and vice versa. Finally, a Domain Name Service (DNS) check identifies potential network outages, protocol failures, DNS spoofing, and hijacking attempts.


It hardly makes a difference whether your business website is hosted on in-house hosting or shared hosting; it is one of the most important parts of your business.

Your website is your customers’ first point of contact with your business, which takes your products and services to potentials as well as increases your brand’s trustworthiness.

In order to reduce the potential damages of downtime to your business and reputation, it’s important that your site runs smoothly.

Sam Makad

Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

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