Mehul Rajput
Mehul Rajput is the CEO of Mindinventory, a mobile app development company. He does blogging as hobby and love to write on mobile technologies, app development, and mobile app marketing
Do you keep your users interested in your mobile app? If yes, in this write-up, you will get helpful tips to create a competent app that will keep people interested and guide those towards your business.
We are less than a week from January 2017, and the future couldn’t be more inclined toward mobile app development and exploitation. The software that power and grant functionality to smartphones and other mobile devices are seeing more and more application in modern-day business. Businesses of all sizes and natures can benefit tremendously through a well-developed mobile app and see massive growth in popularity and sales. Whether your business is booming and has established a name for it or is just a startup ready to bloom on the market, a good mobile app can definitely improve the way customers look at your venture.
Now that we’ve established the importance of having a complementary mobile app for your venture in this day and age, it is important to realize that coming up with a good app isn’t always easy to achieve, and neither is making users return to your app. This article will present you with the best tips on creating a competent app that will keep people interested and guide those toward your business, as well as make them commit to your mobile app.
The prime reason for having an app in the first place is to help you promote and push your business to a wider range of potential customers. You also have to make the app enticing and worth returning to, from a customer’s point of view, but no one said you couldn’t hit two birds with one stone.
Through a potent marketing campaign done through your mobile app, the app and your business can benefit greatly. More simply put, give people a reason to come back to your app and check out your products or services. Promoting what it is you will make customers constantly check back for updates on your latest offers.
One of the angles often used by mobile apps sees ventures offering methods to purchase and pay for goods directly from the app. It’s the same concept as buying something online rather than going to the store, only taken to the next level. It brings a new amount of commodity into the scene, and if it’s faster and easier, people tend to migrate to it from what was previously accepted as standard. Offer your customers a way to pay and order your goods directly from the app, and you can be sure they’ll check in with your app frequently.
What good does a pearl do if it’s deep under the ocean where nobody can see it? The same concept can be applied to mobile apps. It becomes a bit pointless how stunning your app is (which you should ensure it is) if you don’t frame it in such a way and in such a place that people will easily see and be drawn to it.
To be more specific, you need to ensure your app is featured in the most significant app marketplaces available: Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store. Further than that, you should give it an enticing look, with a name that can easily remain embedded in the minds of users who browse the store and a high-quality icon that does it justice. The app page itself shouldn’t be neglected, either. Include a great banner and maybe add some app video and photo content that describes what your app does and what it’s best for.
Some websites and mobile apps appear quite daunting to their target audiences because they require users to sign up and log in immediately before they can do anything. This approach will likely push a lot of users away.
Instead, you should allow your potential customers to browse around and see what your app is all about, even if you’re in the business of paid/premium content. Once they know what it’s all about and wish to perform an action or take the next step, they can receive a message or be redirected to the sign-up page. Asking users to commit upfront and sign up without letting them explore first means you’re counting on blind trust to boost your business, which won’t fly with many of today’s smart device users.
You need to look at your app the same way a resort manager looks at their facility. If you make your customers stay delighted, they will eventually return or even recommend your services to friends and family. The same concept can be applied to a mobile app, meaning that your app should make sure it offers a friendly UI and easily approached commands so that, put bluntly, people enjoy themselves on your app.
Push notifications perfectly represent the expression, “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. You can count on your users to check out your newest offers and deals, or you can make sure they find out about them through Push notifications. Users opt into these, meaning you won’t invade their privacy by throwing offers in their faces. They want to know what deals await them on your app, meaning that you can freely promote your business very efficiently.
That being said, having a complementary mobile app for your venture can benefit you if it’s well done and not just a means to fill the gap in a marketing segment. Respecting your users and showing them all you can offer without requiring instant commitment is the way to ensure that your app will find success on the market.
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Mehul Rajput is the CEO of Mindinventory, a mobile app development company. He does blogging as hobby and love to write on mobile technologies, app development, and mobile app marketing