Email Marketing

How to Write a B2B Sales Email That Sells

Prospecting! Lead generation! through email marketing? How does that will even work today? With all the strategies present in the market, why is email marketing even considered today? Be it the B2B or B2C business the purpose remains the same, that is to get more leads and convert them into your permanent customers. 

The last decade has no doubt overused the sales email strategy well enough but that doesn’t mean it does not affect today. You just need to be smart enough to get into the buyer’s shoes and analyze as a customer and ask yourself what do you expect from a seller? Why would you consider any email and go for a meetup? The questions need to be answered before hitting their Gmail. 

B2B sales email has got format, your signature, and your company’s name for them to get convinced that it’s not fake and make a good impact. But ever thought with so many advancements in the technology and mindset including what other things could uplift your game. 

Writing a sales email is not tough if you know your prospect, have some time researched well, and are analyzing their problem at a personal+professional level. With competition so high you need to assure you quality service and quantity generation. 

Consider an email from your side as an approach for relationship engagement and that requires your email to be impressive to your prospect and even touching them personally. 

1. The subject line and the Intro

Well, you have also received an email so it becomes important for you to understand why you didn’t respond to the email that you received. Was it because you don’t need it? Or was it because of the not so compelling introduction?

When you receive a mail you get to see the subject line and possibly the first line without opening the mail and in those three seconds, you take the decision. Either make the subject line very interesting or keep it neutral like, Hi, from Wedeina, Quick questions or questions about( company’s name). This helps in not letting down your prospect. Feels genuine and might be considered.

The second is to focus on the first line, so it is very specific towards their business. Compliment them or congratulate them. It helps your prospect feel comfortable and personal. Be specific and don’t brag. Be aware of the best sales practices which include email marketing. 

2. Content has to be specific with the person you are selling your mail

Be very sure of whom you are sending the mail. Consider their position in the company and the work they appreciate. Be very sure of the specific business and services that the company provides. 

Once, you have checked that make sure to make your content crisp and clear to get their engagement right from the first line. To get their response to mention two things

Tell them something that they agree with beforehand or speak like an expert and then give them solutions. 

Consider using words that are related to the company. Emailing a digital marketing company should not get emails about telecommunications marketing strategies. Try avoiding the same templates for everyone until you think all of the businesses are dealing with the same issue. 

3. Automation is important

Considered ‘above average importance’ for 48% of b2b organizations. The work here may require a lot of effort and regular check-ups if the automated email is working right or not? 

To answer the question of how and why it works. If any prospect filled up your op-in form or clicked on the link provided in the email you sent the automated email following that click continues the conversation persuading the conversion.

You can set different automation for each different task. Initially, it may be tough as each specific email requires a different subject line and content. Once you have done that you can save plenty of time. It seems an impressive approach to the prospect as well. 

4. Use Your Assets

If you understand what b2b sales are you must also understand what your customers want. Don’t just fill their mails with your companies achievements or why they should consider you. Instead use your email to give them offers, downloadable content, free webinars, and quizzes. 

A buyer consumes three to five pieces of content. They do so before enquiring or getting engaged with any organization. Don’t just be a salesperson, be a valuable resource person for them about the product and do’s and don’ts of it. Giving back the valuable information that the buyer enjoys or is interested in can get you a considerate name on their list. 

Send Invitations 

Sounds completely out of the box but is a great way to get them engaged. The email you send shouldn’t always be a sales email directly. Arrange meetups, conferences, or podcasts and send them invitations. This is to build your professional relationship strong. Getting an invitation to the webinar, conferences as a guest or an audience will make the prospect feel of value. 

Even if your email gets a huge response those who respond will benefit from you and you will win two ways. First, you have gained the trust and have become a resource person and second that you can use that podcast as your email attachment or get some valuable information about the client that has not been touched by you. There you have your chance. 

This is one of the creative ways to use your mail to gain more leads out of it by talking about the issues in the market. 

5. Just Converse

Understand the fact that your buyer and even you get hundreds of sales emails in a week or month. You avoid the ones compelling you to buy their product, urging for a meetup, or even forcing you for a demo that too on their very first email. You would never read their email again for sure.

The best sales mail is the one where the prospect feels no pressure, valuable, and genuinely. If the email is personalized and targeted to the specific person with their pain and solution who would reject it. 

Try ending on a note of ‘email me for any questions’ and then send a follow-up email after a period of time to ensure that you still consider them and that you are consistent and dedicated to the work.

Don’t Push a Call Before telling WHY 

Sounds exactly like a marriage proposal if you send mails about you assuming them to be interested in your business. Try to tell them why you thought they were the right fit, why would your service have a great impact on their business. 

Don’t brag about your business too. Just try to have a conversation about why you considered them and what collaborating would be beneficial. Give a crisp description of your business vision and goals. 


Yes! A visual is something that catches the attention before the prospect even reads the first line. Adding a visual and telling them about the company or client’s review can be an intriguing part of your side. 

It is a smart move that can help you get them to your website too. Don’t forget to add the link in the description with a two-word call-to-action indication of the next step. 

Be a doctor 

Not a real one but get in the form of diagnosing your prospect’s problems. Listen to what they want to hear and speak; how and why are they not able to get rid of the problem if any and then get back to how can you solve the issue and impact their life. 

Get in their shoes and empathies. Don’t always act like a salesperson be their friend and resource person be it in the email content or cold calling. B2B sales don’t require you to make mistakes that can take away your leads. 

Don’t Copy Templates

Yes! Please don’t. These copied templates are frustrating and speak volumes about approach and services. Copying work from others can get you in trouble. Just imagine the result rate shown on google and how many times thus the template must have been used. 

With templates comes also the subject line. Copying creates a terrible image and creates the image of no quality service provider 

Mobile Friendly 

Google found that about 50% of B2B searches are mobile searches. 80% of the B2B professionals use mobile and laptop to get access to any email. So, it is important to keep your content upgraded as the up-gradation of gadgets takes place. 

From templates, images, gifs, videos, or any attachment that you add should be properly formatted for mobile use. Do so because you don’t know when your email is being opened. 


Building relationships and giving quality resources is the step towards any business proposal. Get along with the up-gradation and use emails in a better way considering the tips given you by now must have got great ideas. 

B2B sales email is not just about writing but creating platforms for your prospects. The strategy can be different but not the purpose. The last decade has overused the email strategy beautifully. You need to be creative today with the other platforms created and not building your revenue.

TNS Experts

This post was submitted by a TNS experts. Check out our Contributor page for details about how you can share your ideas on digital marketing, SEO, social media, growth hacking and content marketing with our audience.

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