
Has the Internet Really Helped Resumes?

No matter where you are in your career, it is important to have a well-written resume. You never know when the job market might change causing a need for a job search. Having a good resume at the ready is also helpful when unexpected opportunities arise.

A conversation at a professional conference leads to interest in you as a candidate for a new position. You will keep them interested when your resume appears at their office that same day. Writing a new resume or keeping your resume up-to-date has become much easier with all of the resources that can be found online.

1. Step-by-step Guides

There are many websites that will walk you through the resume writing process. A simple guide gives you the order to add information for a variety of formats. First, you will choose a format such as a standard, chronological list of work experience or a skills-based format that highlights what you are able to do rather than the jobs you have done. As you follow each step, you will build a resume that follows standard guidelines.

A variation on the step-by-step guide is an online resume builder. The resume builder is an online platform where you enter your information and the program formats a resume for you. You will have some control over the order of sections. For example, you may want your educational or skill section to come before your work experience section if you are just getting into the job market after finishing college.

While this kind of stepped guidance is helpful if you are trying to generate a standard resume, it can be restricting if you are trying to do something more creative. Depending on the job you are seeking, you may find that you want to write a resume that is a bit more out-of-the-box, something that highlights your creativity. In this case, you may want general advice about the information needed in a resume while developing your own unique format.

2. Writing Tips and FAQs

The amount of information on writing a resume can be overwhelming. Every blog or website seems to have an opinion about the best practices. Some speak about resumes in general, offering lists of do and don’ts or frequently asked questions. Others cover specific topics such as action words to use in a resume.

If you are looking for resume advice, pay careful attention to the age of the post. Business practices change from year to year. In the past, more weight was given to a candidate’s educational background. Today, many employers are looking for competency in industry-specific skills, recognizing that there are a variety of ways to attain those skills. Also, make sure that the information you are reading is talking about resume standards that are relevant to your industry. The requirements of a resume for a computer programmer will be different from a resume for a business executive.

3. Online Resume Templates

There are several online resources for resume templates. A resume template is a pre-formatted file matched with common word-processing software programs and platforms. The user downloads or opens the template and sees a document waiting for information. As you fill in the blanks, a resume in one of a variety of formats emerges.

The advantage to using a template is that you only need to worry about the accuracy of the information. The format of the resume is taken care of. When you are done, you will have a professional-looking resume that matches the expectations of your industry.

4. Specialized Resume Advice

Different industries have different standards of what they want to see in a resume. There are many online guides to help you through the process of generating an appropriate resume for your desired sector. Once again, it is important to pay attention to the age of the advice, as standards change over time.

  • Legal Resumes – Here the resume will need information about trial success and specific legal specialties.
  • Medical Resumes – The resume for a doctor needs to highlight not only work experience but medical responsibilities are each workplace. The responsibilities working in a general practice would be quite different from working in an emergency room.
  • Technology resumes – Depending on the technology sector, you may need to focus on professional certifications as opposed to skills in general. Your resume might also need links to personal programming projects online.
  • Federal resumes – The federal government has specific guidelines as to how a resume for a job as a federal worker needs to be formatted.

5. Personal Websites and Online Networking

Not only can the internet help you develop a good resume, there are many resources online for getting your resume seen by others. Social media, online networking and online job search sites are all ways that your resume can be seen by a multitude of people, leading to offers that you may not have expected. You are using the internet to do some of the legwork for you.

Another way of using the internet to help your career move forward is by linking your resume to a personal website. The resume is supposed to give your basic information and skills. It is often said that most employers make a decision about a resume after an initial, six-second glance. Linking your resume to a website allows you to provide a broader picture of yourself that an interested employer can access immediately.

6. Online Education

In addition to the benefits of producing a professional resume, the internet is full of ways that you can expand your resume. As you start to go through the application process, you may come to realize that the format is not the problem. You need more skills or certifications before you are taken seriously in your industry. This is where online education becomes critical, allowing you to further your career without quitting your current job.

The internet abounds with the means to write, improve or submit your resume. From templates to FAQs, there is something to help you. With a little research, you can develop a professional document that will get you to your next job.

Sam Makad

Sam Makad is a business consultant. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their businesses and overall ROI. You can follow Sam on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

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